Courtesy of Photofest
Screening of Sherlock, Jr. and tribute to Richard Aidala
Followed by a book signing in the Moving Image Store
Sherlock, Jr.
With live music by Makia Matsumura
Dir. Buster Keaton. 1924, 44 mins. 35mm. With Buster Keaton, Kathryn McGuire, Joe Keaton. Sherlock, Jr. is a comic masterpiece about a movie projectionist who wants to be a detective, and dreams himself into a movie.
The film will be preceded by a tribute to Richard Aidala, the Museum’s late chief projectionist, who died this August. This event is presented in conjunction with the opening of The Booth, a photography exhibition by Joseph O. Holmes.
Richard Aidala, 1949–2013
The Museum’s beloved chief projectionist, Richard Aidala, died on August 20, 2013 after a brief illness. Richie was at the Museum since its opening in 1988, and was widely regarded as a master of a fading art—the projection of celluloid film. He had many other skills; he could repair a Thomas Edison kinetoscope, and then fix a 1980s video arcade game. In the galleries and especially in the theater, he always put on a great show, and he will be missed by the Museum staff, by our members and visitors, and by many filmmakers and artists who relied on him to present their work properly.
Tickets for Friday evening screenings: $12 ($9 for senior citizens and students / free for Museum members) and includes admission to the Museum's galleries, which are open until 8:00 p.m.